Card Sort Activity
Please sort each card that appears into two categories:
  • Perks
  • Potential Pitfalls
After placing each card into a category, another card will appear.

Helps to identify expected prerequisite knowledge and skills

This is NOT a curriculum guide

Helps to clarify if the instruction is on grade level for classroom observations and documentation

Helps guide conversations within and between grade levels

This does not provide the specificity that the TEKS provide

This does not provide the relative importance of each key concept or procedure that the focal points provide

Helps target future professional development needs for each teacher

Helps facilitate movement and evaluation of curriculum materials

This does not tell how to teach the key concepts and procedures

Helps to clarify if the instruction is on grade level

Nice Job! Now return to your course tab, leave this tab open because you'll return to it later in the course.


Potential Pitfalls