Vocabulary Notes


The English Language Proficiency Standards(ELPS) outline the instruction school districts must provide to English language learners in order for them to have full opportunities to learn English and succeed academically. The ELPS are to be implemented as an integral part of the instruction in each foundation and enrichment subject of the TEKS. Effective instruction and second language acquisition involves giving English language learners opportunities to listen, speak, read, or write at their current level of English language development in all content areas

Cross-Disciplinary Instruction:

This term refers to skills and processes that cut across multiple disciplines (English/language arts, reading, math, science, and social studies). Related standards are found in the CCRS.


The CCRS (College and Career Readiness Standards) includes the Mathematics and Cross-Disciplinary Standards and is a resource designed to help students, parents, teachers, and counselors understand the specific content knowledge and academic skills necessary for college and career readiness. The cross-disciplinary standards are organized into two major areas: Key Cognitive Skills and Foundational Skills.

Multiple Entry Points:

Tasks with multiple entry points are those which have varying degrees of challenge within the task, or provide students with varied abilities, experiences, and and interests to actively participate in the task.

Levels of Cognitive Demand:

Tasks with levels of cognitive demand are those which command engagement with the concepts and encourage students to make connections leading to different opportunities for student thinking. Examples of tasks with various levels of cognitive demand include memorization tasks, procedures without connections tasks, procedures with connections tasks, and doing mathematics tasks.