1. If you are fairly confident that you are familiar with the parent functions and their tables, graphs, and characteristics, then you are ready to try your hand at a matching game!
  2. If you are not confident, then you might want to go back and review the chart. You can take your paper copy of the chart and cut out the squares, mix them up, and then try to rearrange them – matching up the name of the parent function with its equation, table, and graph. You can then check your matched sets with the KEY.
  3. When you are ready to play the matching game, go to
    This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.Match Parent Function to Graph applet.
  4. You will be given squares that contain either a graph, the name of the parent function or the symbolic equation of the parent function and you are to try to find matches. Click on two squares that you think are a match.

For example, if you try to match quadratic function and f(x)=x^2 and that is a match, then the sqaures will flip over to reveal a design on the other side. matched squares reveal starburst image

But if you tried to match quadratic function and f(x)=square root of x which do not match, then those same squares will remain.

Once you complete a game, you may click the box that says, "Start Over," and a new game of squares will appear! Have fun with this and get really good at identifying the various parent functions and their corresponding tables and graphs.