First, let's study the effects of changing the a coefficient in f(x) = a · logB(x + c) + d.

Follow the link below to launch an applet that will allow you to make changes to a.

(After opening the applet, use your mouse to click and drag the corner of the window to resize it if necessary. Close the browser tab/window to return to this lesson)

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Log Function Applet

Notice you have an additional variable in the applet not mentioned in our equation, b, that could be changed. For our purposes we will leave b = 1 and ignore the effects it has on our equation.

Close the applet using the "Click here to close window" button.

Now, let's start over and study the effects of changing the parameter B (called the base) in our logarithmic form:

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Log Function Applet

Close the applet using the "Click here to close window" button.