Let's look at some examples of how genetic diversity, mutations, and natural selection can change a population.

Organism Adaptation Why is it Beneficial?
The seeds of a dandelion are like a parachute and can be carried by the wind. One dandelion can have 180 seeds. Being carried by the wind allows the seeds to be planted far from the parent plant. Producing 180 seeds increases the chances that one or more seeds will grow into an adult plant.
A male peacock has numerous large, colorful feathers. When he is seeking a mate, he spreads his feathers into a large fan and struts to attract the attention of a female peacock. The male peacock with the largest fan of feathers is most likely to attract a mate. If he mates with a female and they produce offspring, his traits are passed along to future generations.
Rabbits have between 2 and 9 babies in each litter. They can produce several litters of babies each year. If there is a large number of offspring, it is more likely that enough will survive to adulthood to reproduce and pass their traits to future generations.