Competition is defined as two species fighting for the same resources. Animals compete for food to eat and water to drink. They also need a certain amount of space in which to find food, water, shelter, and opportunities to mate.

Plants also compete for resources. They need light as an energy source for photosynthesis. Plants also compete for space, minerals, and water.

Unfortunately there are not enough of these resources to go around. As a result of this scarcity of resources, there is competition between living organisms in their environment.


Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Look at the images below. What resources are these plants and animals competing for?

Image 1: Big Horned Sheep rams fighting
Source: Rams Fighting, Verna Case,
Davison College
Image 2: thick forest of trees
Source: Trees in Forest, Open Door Web Site
Image 3: large group of penguins
Source: Penguins, Life in the Fast Lane

Check Your Answer
The rams might be competing for space, food or a mate.

The trees could be competing for sunlight and water.

The penguins are competing for space and food. Close