In 6th and 7th grade you learned how to put whole numbers and integers in order and compare them to each other. A number line is a useful tool to keep these numbers organized. Let's review the basic characteristics of a number line.

In your notes, answer the following questions:

Compute the following:

5 – 4 = ? 1 Close Pop Up
115 – 114 = ? 1 Close Pop Up
15,324,535 – 15,324,534 = ? 1 Close Pop Up

How does the difference between consecutive whole numbers change as the numbers get bigger?

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It doesn't. All consecutive numbers differ by 1.Close Pop Up

How can we show this characteristic on a number line?

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All consecutive numbers are the same distance apart on a number line.Close Pop Up

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

In each of the following examples, use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate sign:

Which are greater in value, positive numbers or negative numbers?

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Positive numbers are greater in value than negative numbers.Close Pop Up

How can we show this characteristic on a number line?

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Positive numbers are on the right side of zero, increasing as we move to the right. Negative numbers are on the left side of zero, decreasing as we move to the left.Close Pop Up

What is the highest positive number?

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There is no greatest positive number. Numbers increase forever.Close Pop Up

How can we show this characteristic on a number line?

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The line goes on forever to the right. We show this with an arrow on the right side of the line.Close Pop Up

What is the lowest negative number?

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There is no lowest negative number. Numbers decrease forever.Close Pop Up

How can we show this characteristic on a number line?

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The line goes on forever to the left. We show this with an arrow on the left side of the line.Close Pop Up

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Based on your answers above, which of the following is the best to use for a number line?