A square grid with the following words listed in four quadrants (listed clockwise from top left): Words, Equation, Table, Graph. Arrows point from the Words quadrant to the other three.


When writing an equation from a verbal description or word problem, you need to look for clue words and phrases that tell you which operations you should use.

Words such as "and," "together," and "total" suggest that you will need to use addition. Words and phrases such as "product," "times," and "increase by a factor of" indicate that you should use multiplication.

Click on the each mathematical symbol for a list of words or phrases you may see in a problem that tell you to use that operation.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Consider the following situation:

Marta and her family are staying at a campground that charges a non-refundable $15.00 security deposit plus $30.00 for each day that her family stays.

What clue words suggesting operations does the problem use?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer For each → multiply the number of days by $30
Plus → add the product of the number of days and $30 to $15 Close Pop Up

Write a plan for solving this problem.
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer Multiply the number of days that her family stays at the campground by 30, and then add that product to 15. Close Pop Up

Write this plan as an equation that could be solved for y, the cost of staying at the campground for x days.
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer y = 15 + 30x Close Pop Up

Copy the following table into your notes and use your solution plan to fill in the missing information.

Number of days
Process Cost
2 15 + 30(2) $75.00

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Check Your Answer

Number of days
Process Cost
2 15 + 30(2) $75.00
3 15 + 30(3) $105.00
4 15 + 30(4) $135.00
5 15 + 30(5) $165.00
x 15 + 30(x) y = 15 + 30x
Close Pop Up

How did you fill in the y column?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer Calculate the value for y by using the solution plan with each value for x. Close Pop Up

When creating a graph from a verbal description, it is usually best to make a table of values first. Because of this, we will cover the specific concepts of graphing data in more depth in section 3. In this section, we will concentrate on the general properties of the graph of the data.

If Marta's family pays the security deposit, and then due to a change in plans ends up staying 0 nights, how much will they have paid in total?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer They will have paid $15. Close Pop Up

Is the cost increasing or decreasing as the number of days increases?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer The cost is increasing. Close Pop Up

If you were to graph this data, would you expect the graph to rise or fall as you move to higher x values? Why?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer The graph would rise from left to right because as the number of days spent camping increases, the cost to stay at the campground increases. Close Pop Up

In general, how would you describe the graph of the data associated with this problem?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer The first point on the graph would demonstrate that at 0 days, Marta's family would pay $15. The points would rise as you move to the right on the graph to demonstrate that as the number of nights increases, the price increases. Close Pop Up

Darius earned a total of $800 mowing lawns over the summer. He wants to buy video games that cost $25.00 each. How can you determine y, the amount of money he will have left if he buys x video games?

Write a plan that you could use to solve this problem.
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer Start with 800 and then subtract the product of 25 and the number of games he buys. Close Pop Up

Copy the following table into your notes and use your solution plan to fill in the missing information.

Number of games
Process Remaining money
2 800 – 25(2) $750.00
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Click here to see the completed table.

Number of games
Process Remaining money
2 800 – 25(2) $750.00
3 800 – 25(3) $725.00
4 800 – 25(4) $700.00
5 800 – 25(5) $675.00
x 800 – 25(x) y = 800 – 25x
Close Pop Up

Write your plan as an equation.
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer y = 800 – 25x Close Pop Up

What would you expect the graph of this data to look like? Why?
Interactive popup. Assistance may be required. Check Your Answer The first point on the graph would demonstrate that with 0 video games, Darius has $800. The points would fall as you move to the right on the graph to demonstrate that as the number of video games increases, the amount of money he has decreases. Close Pop Up