In the last section, you added rotations to your set of transformations, along with reflections, translations, and dilations. In this section, you will compare two different classes of transformations: (1)congruence transformations that generate an image that is congruent to the preimage and (2) non-congruence transformations that generate an image that is not congruent to the preimage. Specifically, you will use side lengths and angle measures to distinguish between which types of transformations are congruence transformations, and which types are not.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click the image below to open an interactive sketch in a new web browser tab or window. Use the interactive to investigate the relationships among side lengths and angle measures. Follow the detailed directions beneath the image to investigate each transformation.


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Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Use the interactive below to investigate side lengths and angle relationships for dilations. Use the slider to adjust the scale factor of the dilation, and drag point D to adjust the center of dilation. Use the interactive to answer the questions that follow.

Properties of Dilations

OnTRACK for College Readiness, Created with GeoGebra

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A congruence transformation is a transformation in which the preimage and image are congruent figures. Which transformation(s) are congruence transformations?

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Translations, reflections, and rotations are congruence transformations. Close Pop Up

A non-congruence transformation is a transformation in which the preimage and image are not congruent figures. Which transformation(s) are non-congruence transformations?

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Dilations are non-congruence transformations.Close Pop Up

Which transformations preserve angle measures between the preimage and the image?

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Translations, reflections, rotations, and dilations all preserve angle measures.Close Pop Up

Which transformations preserve side lengths between the preimage and the image?

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Translations, reflections, and rotations preserve side lengths.Close Pop Up


  1. Which of the following properties about geometric transformations are true?
    1. Dilations preserve congruence while reflections do not.
    2. Rotations and reflections both preserve a polygon’s side lengths.
    3. Dilations and translations both preserve a polygon’s angle measures.

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    Congruent figures have corresponding sides that are congruent and corresponding angles that are congruent. Congruence transformations preserve congruence between the preimage and image. Close Pop Up

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  2. Trapezoid ABCD is transformed using the transformation (x, y) → (x − 4, y + 5). Which of the following statements about ABCD and A'B'C'D' are true?
    1. ABCD is congruent to A'B'C'D'.
    2. The corresponding angles of the two trapezoids are congruent, but the corresponding sides of the two trapezoids are not.
    3. A'B'C'D' is a translation of ABCD.

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    What type of transformation is indicated by (x, y) → (x − 4, y + 5)?Close Pop Up

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  3. Which of the following transformations are congruence transformations?
    1. (x, y) → (−y, x)
    2. (x, y) → (x, −y)
    3. (x, y) → (1.5x, 1.5y)

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    Translations, rotations, and reflections are congruence transformations. Which algebraic rules indicate one of these types of transformations?Close Pop Up

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