In the previous two sections, you compared different ways of describing a "typical" value in a data set, or measures of central tendency.

It is also important to be able to describe how the data set varies, or in other words, how the numbers in the data set are spread out.

Consider the data shown.

picture of prairie and mountains
Population of 10 Least
Populated Texas Counties
Loving County
King County
Kenedy County
Borden County
McMullen County
Kent County
Roberts County
Terrell County
Sterling County
Motley County

The range is a basic measure of variability since it tells you the difference between the highest value (maximum) and the lowest value (minimum).

→ What is the range of the data presented in the table?

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Subtract the lowest value from the highest value.Close Pop Up Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

Check Your Answer

Range = 1,210 – 82 = 1,128Close Pop Up

There are other ways of measuring variability. One of these methods is using quartiles. Quartiles break the data set down into four equally-sized parts, and give numerical guidance on the spread of the data. There are three quartiles used to separate data into four different parts. Think of quartiles like a percent bar.

Percent bar illustration of quartiles

To determine quartiles, think about the median (midpoint) in a data set.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Use the interactive below to determine the median and quartiles of the 10 Texas counties with the smallest populations. First, list the data values in order from least to greatest.

The difference between the lower quartile and the upper quartile is called the interquartile range. The interquartile range tells you the spread of the middle 50% of the data set.

For the 10 Texas counties with the smallest population, calculate the interquartile range.

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Interquartile Range (IQR) = Upper Quartile – Lower Quartile Close Pop Up Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

Check Your Answer

IQR = 984 – 416 = 568Close Pop Up

What does the interquartile range mean in the context of the data?

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The interquartile range tells you the spread of the middle 50% of the data set. Close Pop Up Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

Check Your Answer

Of the 10 Texas counties with the smallest population, five of them have a population between 416 and 984, which is a range of 568 people.Close Pop Up


Use the following information for questions 1 - 5.
For all 254 Texas counties, the five-number summary for the 2010 population is :

2010 Texas County Population Five Number Summary
Date Measure
Lower Quartile
(between Bosque
and Young)
Upper Quartile

Identify the data measure that each of the following statements best interprets.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

6. Shanika runs a website for her small business. She recorded the number of hits that her website received in a two week period.

107 250 672 306 440 516 376
110 317 486 530 302 286 107

Calculate the interquartile range for Shanika's set of data. Use the grid below to record your answer. Type your answer in the boxes in front of and behind the decimal. Click inside each box to enter the numeral that belongs in the box, and then click the bubble beneath the numeral to shade the bubble that matches the numeral. After hitting the "Submit" button, incorrect portions of your answer will be shaded gray.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.