Click the link below to access the full text of the Treaty of Versailles:

Treaty of Versailles

Wilson's most important point was the one that called for an organization to provide a system of security and peace throughout the world; his goal was to incorporate this into the Treaty of Versailles. This group would later be known as the League of Nations.

Read the headline of the newspaper below. Based upon the headline, how did the American people respond to the idea of becoming a part of the League of Nations?

 Image of the headline of the New York Times. Titled: Senate Defeats Treaty, Vote 49 to 35; Orders It Returned To The President; German disorders Grow, Hundreds Slain Source: New York Times ON this day 0319, New York Times.

If you said that they disagreed, you are correct! Although Wilson launched a tireless missionary campaign to overcome opposition in the U.S. Senate to the adoption of the treaty and membership in the League, the treaty was never adopted by the Senate, and the United States never joined the League of Nations. Wilson would later suggest that without American participation in the League, there would be another world war within a generation.

Was Wilson correct?

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Wilson was correct! By 1939, World War II erupted in Europe, and the United States became involved by 1945. Close Pop Up

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This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device.Video segment. Assistance may be required. Woodrow Wilson

Now that you have had the opportunity to analyze the events leading to the Treaty of Versailles, you will determine its strengths and weaknesses.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Place the statements on the correct side of the scale below.