Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Examining Economic Impact

Most international conflicts (wars) are costly. The countries involved in these conflicts have to pay for the costs of war, such as weapons, transportation, and caring for soldiers. Once conflicts end, there are even more costs that the countries incur; some of those costs include war debts, reconstruction costs and especially the casualties of war.

The Spanish-American War was an international conflict, and it resulted in the United States becoming a world power and participating in expansionism. The acquisition of Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico were part of the reason for this new position of power in the world.

Activity: In your notes, respond to the following prompt:

As a result of the Treaty of Paris in 1898 that officially ended the Spanish-American War, The United States gained the territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. For each of the territories,

Explain whether or not the territory still has an economic impact on the United States today.

If you need more information about the Guam, Puerto Rico or the Philippines, click on the links below: