In this section, you will learn about one individual who played a significant role in World War I, General John J. Pershing.

Click on the picture to read more about John J. Pershing.

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A photograph of General John J. Pershing, Commander of the American Expeditionary Force in World War I. "From the Battlefields of France"
Three thousand miles from home, an American army is fighting for you. Everything you hold worthwhile is at stake. Only the hardest blows can win against the enemy we are fighting. Invoking the spirit of our forefathers, the army asks your unflinching support, to the end that the high ideals for which America stands may endure upon the earth.
Click here to listen to an audio clip of Pershing's speech.
John Pershing's Speech Close Pop Up

Activity: Click on this link to read about John J. Pershing, and think about Pershing’s role in World War I. Use this selection to summarize what you think Pershing's role was in World War I. Use the questions at the end of the selection to help you.

President Woodrow Wilson addressing both Houses of Congress in 1917, declaring war on Germany.

Source: USA bryter de diplomatiska förbindelserna med Tyskland 3 februari 1917, Wikipedia

Various High Command from World War I standing outside the train where they signed the armistice ending World War I

Source: Armisticetrain, Wikipedia

In your notes, write a one-paragraph summary about General John J. Pershing’s role during World War I. Use the following questions to guide your work.

  1. Gen. John Pershing was chosen to lead the American forces in World War I. Do you think that picking him to lead was a wise choice?

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    Choosing General Pershing to lead American Forces was a wise choice because his leadership proved to be successful for the Allies. Close Pop Up

  2. Why do you think that General Pershing was so successful in organizing the American forces that participated in World War I?

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    General Pershing had experience at organizing troops in previous wars. Close Pop Up

  3. What other circumstances led to eventual victory over the Germans and other Central powers nations?

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    Click here to compare your answer.

    Other factors that led to the defeat of the Central Powers were the fatigue of the Germans and their allies after three years of fighting and a unified front by Americans and the Allied Powers. Close Pop Up

    Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. On the timeline below, place the events of Pershing’s life in chronological order.

Sources for images used in this section, as they appear, from top to bottom: