A photograph of The USS Arizona burning at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Source: USS Arizona burning-Pearl Harbor, Wikimedia

On December 7, 1941, Japan suddenly pushed the United States into the war by attacking the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Four days later Hitler declared war on the United States. As a result of these actions President Roosevelt called on Congress for immediate and massive expansion of the armed forces. Thus began America's involvement in World War II. The main goals of the war became ending German aggression in Europe and ceasing Japanese expansion in the Pacific.

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Watch the following presentation and be prepared to take notes, because there is a timeline activity using information from the presentation. Please disregard the grammatical errors in the video and focus on the major events of World War II.

Source: US involvement in WW2 and D-Day, telipe01621, You Tube

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.