Analyze the globe and read the information below to gain a better understanding of the relationship between the earth and the sun.

This is an image of a political globe that is tilted, with an arrow pointed a line representing the rod.

Source: Political Globe, Globe Ideas

When you look at a globe, you will notice it does not show the Earth sitting directly on the South Pole with the North Pole exactly on top. 

The rod that runs through the center of the globe is at the same angle as the earth’s tilt .  The rod running through the globe represents the axis.

If you were to spin the globe above, that would represent the rotation of Earth.  If you thought of the sun as being at the center of the room, picked up the globe and walked it in a circle around the center of the room that would represent the revolution of Earth.

This is a diagram symbolizing the earth, on its axis, tilted toward the sun. The diagram is divided into night (left) and day (right). The left side shows night for locations not facing the sun while the right side shows day for locations facing the sun. As the Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours, people in various locations around the world experience night and day. If it is 12:00 noon for you, it is 12:00 midnight for people on the exact opposite side of Earth from your location.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Revolution Diagram

This is a diagram of the sun surrounded by four points representing each of the four seasons. As the Earth rotates every 24 hours, it is also revolving around the sun. This revolution is complete every 365 days, or 1 year. During that year there are changes in the seasons due to the change in Earth’s position.