There are various types of biomes in the world. Each biome has its own unique characteristics.  The climate and other features help to distinguish the different biomes from one another as well as determine the distribution of biomes.

Biomes can be classified into the commonly known types listed below. Click on each one to learn more.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

After reading the information about these biomes, answer the following questions in your notes:

  1. Which biome is most suitable for human life? Explain your answer.
  2. Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

    Click here to see possible answer.

    Grasslands are the most suitable biomes for human life. Possible examples: flat areas of grassy, fertile land; temperate climatesClose Pop Up

  3. Which biome would be the most difficult for human life? Explain your answer.

  4. Click here to see possible answer.

    Answer may vary between desert or tundra biomes. Possible examples: see temperatures and rainfall for selected biomeClose Pop Up

It is important to remember that there are many other biomes that exist on Earth. Others biomes, such as freshwater and wetland biomes, are just as important to our world and environment. These biomes and many others are characterized by the geographic features that define them.

Sources of images used for this interactive as they appear, top to bottom: