What is the most popular restaurant in the world?

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Image of a playland of a McDonald's restaurant. The golden arches sign is seen out front. Close Pop Up

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Learn a little more about McDonald's history in this video.

McDonalds History, CaliforniaTravelTips, Youtube

Wow! McDonald's has been serving hamburgers (and much more) for a long time. Now analyze the map below and answer the questions that follow.

Image of a world political outline map. The map is shaded according to the years that McDonald's opened locations in that country.

Source: McDonald's World Locations, Szyslak, Wikipedia

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This photo should be a little bit easier to read. What is it a photo of? Where do you think this photo was taken?

Image of a Russian McDonald's restaurant with sidewalk seating and umbrellas with the golden arches and McDonald's written in Russian.

Source: McDonalds in St. Petersburg 2004, Wikimedia

Yes, this is a McDonald's restaurant in Russia. The McDonald's logo is pretty easy to pick out. What are the differences between a Russian McDonald's and one that you might find in your neighborhood?

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Some of the differences between this location and perhaps a location in the United States are that the word McDonald's is written in the Russian language as opposed to English. Also, it is more of an outdoor café style as opposed to the majority of U.S. McDonald's that have seating indoors.Close Pop Up