In the previous section, the implications of globalization were briefly described. In this section, you will delve a little deeper into some of those implications and determine if they impact our world positively or negatively. Read more about the implications of globalization below.

image of an iPad


Technology has provided a means for better global communication. No longer is a long distance phone call or a telegram the only method of reaching someone across the seas. The use of the Internet and satellite coupled with the widespread availability of mobile devices allows communication to flow farther and faster. Although these modes of communication are not available everywhere, they will become available to more locations as technology increases.

The iPad (pictured left) is a mobile device that can be used to access the Internet and download applications (apps) for games, music, movies, social media, and more. This mobile device is available in more than 200 countries worldwide.

How can the iPad increase communication globally? Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

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The iPad can increase communication globally through the availability of music, movies, and other forms of entertainment and information. Close Pop Up

image of a DHL airplane


As the technology of transportation improves, it becomes easier for people to move from place to place with greater ease. People are able to travel to more locations around the world where they can experience new languages, foods, and customs. Improvements in transportation have led to the increase and improvements in moving people and products globally. As a result, the global economy has seen an increase in global trade.
Products can be moved at a faster pace, which impacts the economy of both the selling and buying society. This airplane (pictured right) flies for a delivery company that delivers products internationally. Travel and trade impact global economies as a result.

How does transportation impact the global economy (an economy where several countries participate)? Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

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Improvements in transportation have led to the increase and improvements in moving people and products globally. As a result, the global economy has seen an increase in global trade. Close Pop Up

Image of a stack of white chocolate and dark chocolate squares.


Goods are sold from region to region. Through this exchange different societies are able to experience products from other areas in the world. This allows others to experience what people in other societies enjoy. Some companies have gone “global” by becoming multinational companies. These companies are headquartered in one country, but they move jobs and production to lower-wage countries, a practice generally known as outsourcing. This practice cuts costs for the company, which translates into lower prices for consumer. However, the country that loses the high-paying jobs suffers higher unemployment rates.

The picture of chocolate pieces above represents one multinational company. The Nestlé Corporation is known for its chocolate products, but throughout the years the corporation has grown to produce much more. Nestlé is headquartered in Switzerland, but they employ more than 330,000 people in more than 150 countries. The company runs nearly 500 factories in 83 countries.

Click here to learn more about the company's products.
Nestlé Products

Quick Thought: After looking at the brands of the Nestlé Corporation, have you ever purchased or used one or more of its products? If you or someone else purchased one of Nestlé’s products, are you participating in globalization?

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Read the statements regarding globalization in the chart below and determine if each implication is positive or negative.

Sources for images used in this section, as they appear from top to bottom: