Examine the following maps and decide whether it illustrates population distribution or population density. Think carefully about what you have learned about each term and select the best answer choice.

2009 United States Population Estimates United States by State

Source: 2009 United States Population Estimates United States by State, U.S. Census
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Incorrect…Try again! This map does not illustrate how many people live within square miles; instead it is based on how many people live within an area.Close Pop Up
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Correct! This map shows how many people live within a state and how the population is distributed throughout the United States.Close Pop Up

2009 United States Population Estimates - Persons per Square Mile

Source: 2009 United States Population Estimates- Persons per Square Mile, U.S. Census

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Correct! This map illustrates the number of people per square mile. Notice that the states with the highest population density are in the northeastern portion of the United States. The states are smaller in size.Close Pop Up
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Incorrect…try again! This map does not illustrate the number of people that live in an area; instead it shows how many live per square mile.Close Pop Up

Note the difference between the two maps, within the same area, density and distribution can look very different.