Has your family or someone you know ever moved? Did you move from state to state or just to the other side of town? If so, you have experienced migration. Migration happens when people move from one place to another.

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Watch this video to get an idea of how migration works worldwide.

Source: Videographic: Migration, Economistmagazine, YouTube

The video that you just watched is a great example of how people move and the impact of migration. Migration can be categorized into two types: Voluntary and Forced.

Voluntary Migration
People choose to move in search of a better life.

Forced Migration
People are forced to move because the living conditions are no longer safe due to natural disaster, war, or other dangerous situations.


Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Below are some scenarios involving migration. Determine if the scenario describes voluntary or forced migration. Move the description to the correct column.

Click on the link Snapshot: Global Migration and explore the interactive map below. It displays the countries where migration occurs and you can see where these migrants originate.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Snapshot: Global Migration


Use the Snapshot: Global Migration map to answer the following questions:

  1. Does the United States have more migrants coming into the United States or leaving the United States?
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    There are more migrants coming into the United States.Close Pop Up
  2. What percentage of the population is made up of migrants in the United States? . . . In the United Kingdom? . . . China?
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    Look under the Share of Total Migrants tab.Close Pop Up

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    The United States – 20.12%
    United Kingdom – 2.84%
    China – 0.31% Close Pop Up
  3. Name the top three countries where migrants send money home and the amounts sent.
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    Look under the Money Sent Home By Migrants Tab.Close Pop Up

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    Mexico – $24.50 Billion
    India – $26.90
    China – $22.49 Close Pop Up