Image of satellite image of Hurricane Katrina in the Gulf of Mexico

Source: Katrina 8-28-2005, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

On August 28, 2005, Hurricane Katrina was in the Gulf of Mexico where it powered up to a Category 5 storm, packing winds estimated at 175 mph. On August 29, Hurricane Katrina made landfall in southern Plaquemines Parish Louisiana, just south of Buras, as a Category 3 hurricane. Maximum winds were estimated near 125 mph to the east of the center Katrina will be recorded as the most destructive storm in terms of economic losses.

Based on this information would this hurricane cause a voluntary or forced migration? Click on the term that matches your answer.

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Incorrect, the destruction and danger of Hurricane Katrina created a forced migration.Close Pop Up

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Correct! Hurricane Katrina caused the forced migration of the affected residents.Close Pop Up
Image of three graphic displays of the path of Hurricane Katrina. The top graphic is an enlarged map of New Orleans and some of its neighboring cities. The bottom left graphic displays a map of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida and the path of the hurricane. The bottom left graphic is a tighter view of the Gulf Coast states.

Source: Storm Graphic, New York Times

Click on the link below, Hurricane Katrina: The Storm's Impact, and take a look at the photos from the Hurricane Katrina Impact New Orleans series. Imagine that you are the subjects of one of the photos. In your notes, write a quick email to your best friend that describes what you experienced on August 29, 2005.

This activity might not be viewable on your mobile device. Hurricane Katrina: The Storm's Impact

The map below of the United States was compiled by FEMA. It illustrates where Hurricane Katrina evacuees migrated to, based upon their applications for FEMA relief.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Click on areas of the map below to get a closer look.

FEMA was able to track the migrants of Hurricane Katrina from the zip codes of the applications for aid that were received. Below are the states from where the largest percentages of FEMA applications were received.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.