Source: All Lettuce, Acres Harvested for Sale: 2007, U.S. Department of Agriculture

If you have visited the grocery store lately, you have seen commercial farming at work. Think about the lettuce that is in the produce section. Imagine how much lettuce must be grown to supply the needs of American consumers.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Wow, based on this map, the lettuce that is sold in stores and restaurants in the United States is only grown in a few states!

This is an example of how commercial farming works. Commercial farming (or agriculture) is the production of crops for sale, crops intended for widespread distribution, such as supermarkets, and any non-food crops such as cotton and tobacco. Commercial agriculture includes livestock production and livestock grazing.

Video segment. Assistance may be required. Take a look at the following video to see what goes into the commercial farming of lettuce. Continue taking notes in your notes. Provide the following information as you watch the video:

  1. What is the level of manual labor involved in the commercial farming of lettuce?
  2. List the types of technology used in the lettuce production.

Source: VITORINOSLIFE- Lettuce production Season2008, tourinha, YouTube

Interactive popup. Assistance may be required.

Check Your Answer

Lettuce Production Season 2008: (responses may vary)
  1. In the commercial farming of lettuce, manual labor is necessary for driving the tractors; sorting the lettuce, loading the planters.
  2. Technology used in lettuce production includes: tractors, transplanters, conveyer belts, sorting machine, and fertilizers and pesticides.
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Review Activity

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Read the statements below. Determine if the statement describe Subsistence Farming or Commercial Farming. Check the appropriate box.