In this lesson, you will discover the relationship that human interaction and geography have in the form of political, natural, and cultural boundaries.

First, click on the link below to access the website for Chinatown in New York City, New York. Read about the history of this unique neighborhood. Then click on the link "Explore a Timeline of Chinatown's History" and further develop your knowledge of the area. The second link below is a map of New York's Chinatown area. As you read, answer the following questions in your notes.

Chinatown, New York City

Explore Chinatown, New York City

  1. What are the borders of Chinatown?
  2. What determines the border?
  3. How do you know when you have left the neighborhood?
  4. How were the boundaries of the neighborhood created?
  5. Can the boundaries change?
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  1. Chinatown is bordered by Canal, Bowery, and East Broadway streets.
  2. The borders are determined by the streets that surround it.
  3. You will know that you have left Chinatown when the architecture changes; signs are no longer in Chinese; the types of restaurants change; other answers may vary.
  4. The boundaries were created by the area of settlement of the Chinese immigrants, combined with the already established surrounding ethnic neighborhoods.
  5. It is possible for boundaries to change as people move in and out, however, because the surrounding neighborhoods are already established, moving boundaries in this area may be difficult.
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