In this section you will discover three main types of boundaries: Natural, Political, and Cultural. Geographic features that occur naturally (without the interference of human contact) and provide an effective boundary between two different locations are labeled Natural Boundaries.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required. Explore the image below by scrolling over it with your mouse, then decide which of the following are natural boundaries.

Political Boundary:
Another type of boundary is a political boundary. This type of boundary is most familiar; we see political boundaries when we look at a map. Political boundaries are characterized as real or imagined lines that designate property ownership among men or between countries. When you look at a map to find the state where you live, the lines that outline your state are what make it a political boundary. Analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.

Southwest United States in 1864

Image of an old map of what is now southwestern United States. The map highlights the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico.

Source: 1864 Johnson Southwest Map, Wikipedia

This map shows the political boundaries of the southwestern states in the United States in 1864. Notice how the borders of these states are made up largely of straight "imaginary" lines.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.

Cultural Boundaries:
The next type of boundary is called a cultural boundary. Usually the lines indicating the boundaries of different cultures may be blurred or they may overlap. Neighborhoods can be considered places where cultural boundaries are more defined. Places like Chinatown and Little Italy are examples of areas where cultural boundaries can be seen.

On the next two maps that follow, you will be looking at ethnolinguistic groups in two different areas of the world. An ethnolinguistic group is one that shares the same culture and/or language.

Carefully analyze the map below and answer the question that follows.

Image of a map of Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Caucus Region.

Source: Ethnolinguistic Groups in the Caucasus Region, Wikipedia

Activity: True/False: Read the following statement and determine whether it is true or false by selecting the correct answer.

Interactive exercise. Assistance may be required.