B. Content Knowledge

A graphic of a student sitting on booksContent consists of the facts, concepts, and principles that govern a body of study. The following are some ways to differentiate content for gifted/talented learners:

  • Pacing is modification of the rate at which students advance through the content. Some examples of pacing include allowing the gifted student to
    • learn or become familiar with new content knowledge early, and
    • perform more in-depth and longer explorations of specific topics.

  • Enrichment is an elaboration on the basic concepts taught in the regular education program. Some examples of enrichment include allowing students to
    • reason from concrete to abstract, familiar to unfamiliar, and known to the unknown;
    • explore the discipline by going beyond memorization of facts and concepts into exploring generalizations, principles, theories, and laws; and
    • investigate the many layers within a discipline through details, patterns, trends, unanswered questions, and ethical considerations.

  • Sophistication is access to a larger system of ideas and concepts related to the basic content knowledge. Some examples of sophistication include allowing students to
    • extend content within, between, and across disciplines through the study of themes, problems, and issues;
    • discover relationships between and among ideas; and
    • examine relationships from multiple points of view.

  • Novelty is exposure to completely different material than any material in the regular curriculum. Some examples of novelty include allowing students to
    • develop relevant and individualized meaning of unique concepts and themes;
    • express ideas in original, creative ways; and
    • provide students with a completely original curriculum.

Listed below is a sample of resources for instruction in the four core content areas. There are many other good resources available on the Internet—for all content areas and all grades levels.

English Language Arts
Social Studies